The Canaries are positioned in the Atlantic Ocean, close to the coast of north Africa, and because of this they have a fantastic warm climate. The waters around La Gomera are clear, calm and rich in wildlife and they make the perfect place for diving – comfortable temperatures all year round.
The south of the island is particularly favourable for experts and novices alike. You can expect to see schools of small shimmering fish, but also a good selection of larger ones too. Keep your eyes peeled for Barracudas, Pike and Tuna especially. There are various species of ray enjoying the warm waters as well as the bright and beautiful Parrot Fish, the Scorpion Fish and the Trumpet Fish too.
There is diverse fauna and wonderful aquatic plants, but it isn't just the wildlife that is worth seeing. The archipelago was formed from volcanic activity, something still very evident in the dark colour of the sand and the fascinating shapes and textures of the rocks. Beneath the sea is no different from above and you'll want to explore the magnificent rocks and caves, jagged cliffs and secret crevices. These are home to sponges and sea anemones and provide the perfect environment for some of the other inhabitants. You can see shell fish and some smaller species protected amongst them. You'll be amazed by the amount of subtropical species you can see, such as Clown Fish and Eagle Rays. The island is beautiful but you'll kick yourself if you miss out on the equally as stunning subaqueous views!
With its reputation, there are a number of companies that provide diving and snorkelling courses. Here are some websites to start you off:
Splash Gomera in Playa Santiago
Dive Art located in San Sebastian
Gomera Dive Resort operates at both Valle Gran Rey and Playa de Santiago
To find out how you can stay in Playa de Santiago and discover these amazing sites for yourself, click on the link below.