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Den Building at Duloe

Posted by Luci Ackers on 14 April 2015
Related property: Duloe Manor
Den Building at Duloe

Den building is one of Britain's favourite past times. Everyone at some point in their childhood, at one time or another, has attempted a wooden lean-to at the end of their garden, a treehouse, a Robin Hood den, hidden castle or sofa fort – a secret hide-away to hole up in.

Duloe Manor is lucky enough to have the means to encourage youngsters to get outside and loving nature. It is situated in fantastic grounds in the midst of the Cornish countryside and surrounded by woodland ideal for sparking young imaginations. Activities are always on offer for children and two particularly popular ones are archery and den building. These are great for learning new skills, having fun and interacting with each other to create something different.

The den building is run by two of the Duloe Manor gardeners, one of whom used to be a scout leader and so is just the man for the task. Everyone gets involved, cutting branches and lashing them together, making tepees and insulating them with leaves. The children have a go at a little of everything; sawing, gathering, building and learning what wood is best for what. And of course you can't have a den without a campfire! So once the dens are all looking good and sturdy, the group will set off again in search of sticks and twigs and learn how to make bonfires that are perfect for roasting marshmallows. It's all great fun.

Between 29th May and 6th June 2015 the Save the Children 'Den Day' initiative was launched with the aim to encourage youngsters to get creative and build all sorts of amazing dens in order to raise money. Save the Children is an important charity that works around the world to save the lives of young people affected by hardships in developing countries. 'Den Day' was another great way to get children involved and was even been backed by famous British adventurer Bear Grylls who never needs an excuse to build a good den, but said this was even more of a reason for youngsters to get active, 'use [their] imagination and have fun'.

In support of Save the Children Duloe Manor is planning to host its very own Den Days by upping the antics during its den-building summer activity clubs. The aim is to raise money to donate to the charity, while providing its guests with all the fun and games they're used to onsite.

You can find out more about Save the Children Den Day here.

Duloe Manor is a beautifully restored 17th century manor house well located for discovering all sorts of activities and attractions in the area. To find out how to stay here yourself, follow the link below.

Luci Ackers

Luci Ackers

Luci loves getting out and about for a good cycle ride or easy-going walks in the countryside, and thoroughly enjoyed the time she previously spent working for the National Trust. Her love of writing started from a young age and on rainy days nothing beats curling up in a secret corner with a good book.

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